Distance between darjeeling to gangtok | how to reach - taxifare99.com

Distance between Darjeeling to Gangtok by road ? around 95 km

Approximate road distance from Darjeeling to Gangtok is 95 kms and it is ajust about 3.5 hours of drive keeping onto the national Highway 31A. !! Darjeeling to Gangtok taxi fare ?

 --------------  Darjeeling to Gangtok by road Get directionDistance between darjeeling to gangtok google map

Darjeeling and Gangtok tour package

Places to visit in darjeeling and gongtok

distance between arjeeling to gangtok
 distance between arjeeling and gangtok

distance between arjeeling to gangtok by road
 distance between arjeeling and gangtok by road

How to reach gangtok from darjeeling

  Hire a cab from Darjeeling to Gangtok

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